Tuesday, October 14, 2008

To my sister...

To my beautiful sister, my best friend....

I know you have one of these already, but it is so personal, that it is not meant to share with many... however, this one... this one is for you to share the very words of wisdom you have shared with me for the past two years.

You are a gift and a treasure to all who cross paths with you. I delight in our daily conversations and our moments and times of reflection.
When I added the music player, the first song that came up with Keith Urban's "Everybody"... I know you know how that song touches me... holy cow.

I know it's difficult for you to work those sausage fingers of yours due to the journey God has you on at the moment... it is why I did this for you. I want you present and here with me, here with our friends and those that will be blessed simply by crossing paths with you.

We know you lurk about, reading our thoughts and our own journeys... but yours is special. You are about to touch a thousand and plus lives and I am eager to see how many hands you take with you to the Heavens awaiting all of our arrivals.

I have loved you from the day we met... I love you for the kindred spirit you are to me, I love you for every time you have said, "you are a sister that God meant to give to me..."

We both know I don't do things the 'easy' way, it's probably why my path in life went so very far off track from yours and Momma's. LOL

But we're together now, never to be apart.

I love you so very much... thank you for always loving me even when it was difficult to do so, thank you for standing by me, stalking me when I fled, thank you for understanding the parts of me no one else wanted to or could... we've never shared a nasty word between the two of us, oh sure a little education perhaps in a department we won't divulge here and perhaps a little hair dye event that you make sound so much worse than it was... ROTFL! OK, it was bad... but when we look back, they sure are fond memories now, aren't they?

You know why... because it's all the more difficult stuff that went on around us that mattered most... it's the stuff we were there for, like when you nearly lost your life having your precious boy, or when you nearly lost your son, not once, but a few times... it's all the times when we lived together and the monitor rang because his tiny heart stopped or he lost his breath, I panicked and you, ever so calmly, ever so maternally, took your infant son from my arms and brought him back...

It's for all times I bailed out just before our family was about to take a tremendous hit, like when your Dad died, when your marriage came apart... I was never strong enough back then to take on the big stuff...

But I am now... I am now...

So I say Dear Baby Jesus... you bring it on... because I will stand steadfast, like a rock (a soft one) LOL, right here at your side Sarah... for all the days of our lives. I love you... Livy

1 comment:

Alexis said...

This post rocks. I'm so blessed to know and love the both of ya hooligans!!